There are a lot of truly wonderful men out there (and yes, they do exist) that are more than worthy of changing your status for. And although they may be tough to come across, here are the kinds of men you undoubtedly want to keep around and possibly build a future with.
Mr. Reliable
A guy who is always on top of your get-togethers, blocks off time to spend with you and remembers important dates that may slip your mind is the type of guy you need in your life. Not just for the occasions, Mr. Reliable can always be counted on when it matters most. In turn, you can’t help but want to be there for him too because of his ready-and-willingness to “show up”—when things seem to be falling apart or when you simply want to enjoy his company.
Mr. Tell-It-Like-It-Is
Whether we’d like to receive it or not, at times, tough love is crucial. You don’t need a partner who doesn’t have a firm grasp on what’s real. A guy who can be honest about his emotions and be open about subjects that other guys tiptoe around is one who can encourage you and the relationship to grow. It’ll be refreshing to find someone who can be highly communicative about his feelings rather than keep you guessing.
Mr. Forever Loyal
If he’s a guy of integrity and morals, he’ll likely take a strong stand against cheating. But he won’t just be faithful to you, he’ll be faithful to the relationship as a whole—meaning he will prioritize you when it counts and go the extra mile to make sure both of your needs are being met.
Mr. Sensitive Soul
Although some may portray sensitivity as a form of weakness, there’s a lot of strength inside a sensitive man (or woman). Wait for the guy who isn’t afraid to express how he feels about you. You’ll never have to question where he stands in the relationship; it’s clear as day that he cares about you (he says it and shows it).
Mr. Dreamy-yet-Grounded
You don’t want a guy who has his head in the clouds completely, but you also don’t want someone who takes himself too seriously. His spontaneity and talks about his dreams and ideals will keep the relationship fun and fascinating while his common sense will keep his feet on the ground. Sometimes, it’s nice to escape harsh realities – if only for a moment (and whom better to do that with than the one you love?)
The points in the article are the opinion of the writer.