May 25, 2016
What do confident women tell themselves when they start their day? Find out and start YOUR day with these phrases: “I will act to fulfill my purpose today.” How do you want to make an impact on others’ lives today? That’s what you want to focus on. What are the…
May 25, 2016
What little things do strong women do every day to help them get ahead? Read these 6 habits and learn how you can follow in their footsteps: They wear what makes them comfortable Wear colors and clothes that make you feel good and well-dressed. They surround themselves with positive people…
May 20, 2016
1. They don’t try to please everyone because they know that’s impossible. Some people won’t like them and they accept that. They don’t waste their energy trying to change things they can’t. 2. They stand by what they promise. When it comes to people they care about if they say they…
May 19, 2016
Ok admit it: The first thing we want to do when dealing with an angry person is to get them to STOP being angry. Our tendency is to want THEM to change! Rather, Be Impeccable for your 50%. Instead of trying to get them to calm down, calm yourself down.…
May 19, 2016
Many of us are shy and you would never guess that. Don’t judge yourself for being that way, and don’t let it stop you from getting the things you want in life. These tips will help you “step out” even when you’re afraid to do so.1. Bottom LineYou have something…
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