May 19, 2016
It's scary to open up and really express how you feel. Some people may run from your anger, or may not want to hear about your sadness because it makes them uncomfortable. But if you "stuff" your feelings, here's what can happen. 1. You lose your aliveness. When you are…
May 14, 2016
1. If you could have done better, you would have, forgive yourself. 2. When you are feeling so low, there is no place to go but up. 3. Honor all your feelings, there is no wrong or right. It's okay to be you, no matter how you feel. 4. Life…
May 05, 2016
You know you should get 8 hours of sleep a night. And you tell yourself you should be more confident. But did you know that your sleep and your confidence are related? It makes sense: - When exhausted, you’re more likely to react negatively to situations, take things personally, and…
March 25, 2016
Sometimes when we want to bring people close to us, we may do just the opposite and push them away. Is it the fear of intimacy? Is it that we feel unworthy of being loved? Is it that we just are not used to someone who is really there for…
February 25, 2016
Do you eat when you’re upset, depressed, or to calm yourself down? When you’re celebrating or need a lift? When you’re angry, bored, anxious, sad, or lonely? If so, you turn to eating when trapped by a difficult situation or feeling. You use eating. Emotional landmine eating If you use…
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