December 02, 2019
Miriam Webster’s dictionary defines integrity as, “the quality or state of being complete or undivided.” This can mean that someone with true integrity follows their own moral compass regardless of current trends. They cannot be persuaded into doing something that contradicts their internal values. A person who demonstrates true integrity…
July 25, 2019
Losing someone you love can upend your life and leave you feeling completely desolate. If you have ever experienced a loss, you know how difficult and turbulent it can be to accept this distressing change. Although the only thing that will ever heal your pain entirely is time, here are…
July 17, 2019
So girl, congrats! Chad from Retro Fitness has finally popped the big question: will you be his girlfriend?? And you of course, pop an answer right back: yes! I mean come on, you’ve been drooling over this guy’s overhead triceps extensions for weeks. It’s about time y’all started a partner…
July 16, 2019
It’s a classic rom-com trope as old as time. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl make it clear that there’s nothing more to their relationship than friendship. Unbridled sexual tension ensues, and we (the audience) desperately await the moment that our protagonists finally realize they’re perfect for each other. Amorous…
July 16, 2019
Thank you to the special people in my life who have listened without judgment, helped without conditions, understood with empathy and loved me no matter what.