March 17, 2017
There are negative behaviors that creep into relationships and can turn into poison. Did you just have a hiccup, or did you just get a glimpse at a future problem? Look out for these negative habits that put strain on relationships. Fighting in Public Couples fight sometimes. It happens. It…
March 03, 2017
We all crave that bond with our partner—the one where you just “get” each other. Here are a few tips that can help amplify the connection between you and your partner. Don’t encourage their bad habits Don’t be afraid to voice your concerns in fear that it will cause a…
February 17, 2017
You’re walking down the street minding your own business and suddenly something catches your eye. It’s not a bird, a plane, and it’s not even Superman. It’s a happy couple. They seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company and appear to have been together for a while. You start to…
February 03, 2017
In Norse myths there is a great wolf called Skoll who chases after the sun every day. In the Norse version of the end of time (an event called Ragnarok) Skoll finally catches and devours the sun. In everyday life many of us are chased by Skoll, but we call…
February 03, 2017
Soulmate, O soulmate, where art thou? In my interview with Arielle Ford, author of “The Soulmate Secret” and “Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate,” I received a few insightful tips on how you can turn your partner into…your soulmate. Understand what love is. According to Arielle, a lot of people…
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