June 25, 2019
No, it’s not the way he looks shirtless. It’s not the way he styles his hair. It’s not the corny pickup lines – in fact, we kind of think they’re charming. Our standards probably aren’t as high as you may think, but we do have our limits. Anyone who does…
June 21, 2019
What’s that special something about you that people find so attractive? Taurus (April 20th-May 20th) People close to Audrey Hepburn (a fellow Taurus!) said she used to only own “one skirt, one blouse, one pair of shoes, and a beret, but she had 14 scarves.” Style doesn’t have…
June 19, 2019
If you put all of my most serious exes in a room together and made them line up against a wall, their similarities would be clear before they even opened their mouths. If you’re like me, you’re probably guilty of dating the same type of person over and over, even…
June 18, 2019
“Thus, with a kiss, I die.” While some may hail this penultimate scene from Romeo and Juliet as romantic, others may think there “never was a story of more woe.” Can we guess which one you are based on your zodiac sign? Aries (March 21st – April 19th):…
June 18, 2019
The meet-cutes in romantic comedies always seem like impossibly convenient circumstances. How is it that two perfectly compatible people just happen to bump into each other at the right time? We can’t guess where lightning will strike, but we can give you clues where you might meet your future sweetheart.…
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