July 10, 2019
It’s been two days since you’ve ripped my heart out, tossed it in a blender with the mixtapes I made you, and poured the resulting cocktail all over the white chiffon bedding we used to share ... I have yet to see the light of day...Except for maybe the kind…
July 10, 2019
Breakups suck. Whether they surface out of nowhere or have been building up for a while, everyone has their own ways of coping with it. When dealing with heartbreak, here’s how you might react (based on your zodiac sign). Aquarius (January 20th-February 18th) Aquarius women know their worth. You are…
July 05, 2019
Let’s face it: you can’t always explain love. Despite thousands of years of poetry, music, folklore, and literature, nobody can predict when Cupid’s arrow will strike. Yet besides natural attraction, we do know that people fall in love with certain personality traits. Here’s what your Zodiac sign suggests about your…
June 28, 2019
If you’re anything like me, you believe that your relationship with your mother is arguably more sacred and special than any other in your life. Nourishing it is not only rewarding, but also, according to research, beneficial for your health. How this trip will make you healthier According…
June 28, 2019
Putting yourself out there again after a heartbreak is a big risk. Sometimes, it can take longer for certain people to feel comfortable enough to do so than others. Here’s how to know if you’re ready to get back into the dating world (according to your zodiac sign). Aquarius (January…
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