June 20, 2016
Life is too short for constant worry. Often, the things we worry about are trivial and not worth our time. Here are a few pointers on how not to get bogged down in the future: Uncertainty is part of life: It’s useless to worry about something that might never happen.…
June 11, 2016
To feel alone and melancholy is not a bad thing. When this happens, it’s important to let yourself embrace these emotions. These reminders show that there is no shame in feeling this way: “The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” - Carl Jung…
June 07, 2016
Everyone has bad days: days when you’re down, sad, and don’t feel like doing anything. You struggle to get out of bed. You don’t smile. And you just want to be left alone to wallow in your misery. For most people, these days are just that – bad days. The…
June 02, 2016
I have a client who worked hard to get her dream job. She networked, learned how to ace her interviews, and she turned down three opportunities that were great, but not great for her. She was patient, persistent and optimistic. She did in fact get her dream job and she…
May 24, 2016
Giving is a good thing. But when you are giving to "People Please" and not because you want to, you are definitely giving too much. How do you know? 1. You find yourself resenting the person. You said yes but you overextended yourself and are angry at that person--but you…
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