March 20, 2019
Where does your back pain come from? For many people, their chronic pain is a mystery that only a professional can solve. Unfortunately, your back pain may be caused by a very common action that could be corrected. We all have surprising habits that can aggravate our back pain, but…
February 15, 2019
Some diseases seem to share symptoms with a host of others which makes it impossible to distinguish one from another. Even worse, it becomes difficult to spot the progression of more malignant illnesses. Such can be the case with shingles, since this virus can share similarities in appearance with rashes…
February 13, 2019
After working and constantly being on our feet, we tend to develop pain around our foot, knee, and hip. At other times it’s the lack of movement that also strains the body. When the body doesn’t get a chance to stretch, it can affect the body. Here are a few…
January 24, 2019
When your heart is breaking, the pain may feel so bad that it may actually feel like . . . well, your heart is literally breaking. That feeling probably isn’t just in your head; according to research, your emotional pain might be manifesting as physical symptoms. Susanne Babbel, Ph.D, is…
November 26, 2018
Never wish them pain. That's not who you are. If they caused you pain, they must have pain inside. Wish them healing. Najwa Zebian