It is time to get honest. This time of year is when we reflect on what we have accomplished, what we regret, and what new things we want to achieve in the year to come.
Here are the questions to ask yourself to get really clear on what you would like to see happen next year.
What feeds your soul?
We are not just talking about your wallet, I am asking you to go deeper. What do you truly want–not what your family, friends, etc. think you should have?
What can you actually manifest in a year? Some things will take more time than a year. So if you have a dream vision–break it down into actions to take. What can you actually achieve in 12 months? When you do it this way, you are more apt to meet a smaller goal, and not get discouraged.
What will create real impact? Not only for yourself but have a positive influence for other people as well. When we have a larger vision which involves other people, it actually can motivate us to keep going, and not quit once we run up against a powerful obstacle.