5 Things Independent Women Really Want in a Relationship

When you have been on your own and are used to taking charge of your life, you are not willing to settle for less than you deserve.  So your standards are high. You “would like” a relationship but you do not “need” one to make you feel whole.

Here’s what independent women are looking for:

1. An equal, someone to share life with 
Strong women give all of themselves–at the office, in the community, with family and friends.  They are looking for a male counterpart–someone who also has a full life.

She won’t put up with …
Someone who doesn’t carry equal weight.

2. Someone with a positive attitude
Gratuitous, accepting and able to see the glass as half full, not half empty, are traits she possesses and would like to see in her significant other.

She won’t put up with …
Someone who tries to bring her down.



3. Someone who pulls his own weight 
She has no problem “caring” for someone else, but she does not want to “take care” of someone, meaning someone who expects her to do most of the work. A relationship is a two-way street.

She won’t put up with …
Someone who acts like a child.

4. Someone who is fun to be around 
Laughing is a great stress-reducer. When people have well-rounded lives, there are challenges.  Having a sense of humor is important amidst those hardships.

She won’t put up with …
Someone who is too serious and inflexible.

5. Someone she can count on
When he says he will do something, he does it. Her partner has integrity and takes his commitment’s seriously.

She won’t put up with …
Someone who doesn’t follow through.

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